TDL ZPU S-100 CPU Card

Commodore MPS1200 Printer

Amstrad 6400 Keyboard, Mouse, Viva 2400 baud Modem, Books, WordPerfect Software and Manuals

Corvus OmniDrive Subsystem

Logitech Mice Vintage Dexxa

IBM PC Jr. Monitor

Chinon Scanner

Black & White Monitor (old)

1541 Floppy Drive

Apple Mac Keyboard with mouse

Acoustic Coupler

ATV RF Modulator

Vista DynaFrame Hard Drive System

Elephant Diskettes

IO Systems Graymatter Drive

Hayes 2400 baud modem

Suntac Joystick

Lear Siegler ADM 3

Lear Siegler ADM3

Soroc IQ120 Terminal

Apple Thermal Transfer Printer

Axiom Printer

Epson MX-80 Printer

IDS Printer

Commodore 1525 Printer

TRS-80 Cassette

Expansion Chassis

12" Monitor

IBM PC Jr. 64Kb Upgrade

Commodore C64 Music Player

Galileo Video

Pop-up PC Book

Pop-up PC Book inside page

NEC 6x Raid System

Speech Synthesizer

Adam Letter Quaity Printer(new)

Printer & Cassette I/O for PC-3

Inside View

Misc Accessories

VIC-20 Floppy Disk

Seiko UC-2200 Controller with manual

Cassette Recorder

Epson Laser Printer

Intel DX4 Overdrive CPU

Laser PC4 with Manuals

IBM PC Jr. Operations Manual

Microsoft Mouse and Win95 book

Businessland Switch

TRS-80 Telephone Interface I

IBM PC Jr, Reference Guide

Eagle Coffee Cup

Cyrix Coffee Cup

Commodore Okidata 120 Printer

Micdis Super I/O card

Conner Tapestor 420

Commodore VIC-20 Manual


Commodore 64 Literature

Commodore Tape Cassette (system 2)

Commodore 64 Tape Cassette

Tandy TRS-80 Tape Cassette

IBM Pro Printer

Colecovision Smart Printer

Morrow Literature

Apple II Monitor

Apple II Monitor (system 3)

Apple II Floppy Drive

TRSWATCH by California Word Exchange

Tandy TRS-80 Software and Manuals

Tandy TRS-80 Cassette Drive with Manual

Commodore VC-1525 Graphic Printer

Commodore MPS-801 Printer

MicroPro Wordstar

Miscellaneous IBM Books & Software

Osborne Executive Software & Manuals

Tandy TRS-80 Expansion Unit

Innovative Software

IBM Software & Manuals

Apple Custom Numeric Keypad

Universal Data Sytems External Floppy Drive

Tandy TRS-80 Monitor

TI 99/4 Cartridges

SuperMac Data Frame 20 external hard drive

Commodore 1541 external drive

Commodore MPS-801 Printer

Apple IIc Power Adapters

Radio Shack TRS-80 5Mb Hard Drive

Apple II external Disk Drives

Ithaca Audio S-100 8K RAM boards

Measurement Systems & Controld Corp PBIO cards

Optronics S-100 CPU board

S-100 Z80 CPU and CCS Terminator Board

S-100 Manuals

S-100Boards Delta Technology Corp Host Adapter and Advanced Microdigital Corp SuperQuad

Zenith Heath Z-100 Software and Manuals

Dbase Book for Godbout

Cromemco Trace Simulator, CDOS Text Editor and CDOS User manuals

Altair vintage tape cassettes

Macintosh Monitor


Software Labs Inc OS-1 Manual etc.

Borland Turbo Pascal Book

Blue Chip Printer Interface

MicroPro Wordstar Manual

CompuPro Interface 3, Systems Group DMB-6400 RAM and CPC-2810 Z80 cpu, Alloy Eng'g Tape Interfce Package, SD Systems VDB-80 Video manuals

Newtech Sound Board, Alloy Eng'g DS-100 and Problem Solver Systems RAM 16 Boards (3)

MicroPro I/O Master Manual

Tandy Monitor

MSD Super Disk Drive external

SS-50 Computing Guide

Communication Interface Board

SWTP Sears Cassette Drive, tapes and add-in cards

KayPro Manuals

BYTE Magazines Full set 1979

Amiga World Magazines

Amazing Amiga Magazines

Creative Computer Magazine issue 2

Complete Microcomputer Systems Handbook, 1979 by Edward L. Safford Jr.

SD Systems ExpandoRam II

The Rainbow Magazine (11 copies)

I Speak BASIC to my PET

BASIC Computer Games

Micro Shopper Catalogue

Original Microsoft Mouse

Mice Miscellaneous

Keyboards Laser and Windows

VTI Monitor

Joysticks misc

GRid External Floppy 1.44Mb

KayPro Manuals

AMQUTE Manuals

TI Silent Printer (new)

Poqet Accessorie and Manuals

Apple II Logo Book

Zorba Learning Tapes

Apple IIe 300 baud Modem. Model A9M0300

IBM/AT Manuals

Apple Lisa Pin

TRS-80 Data Terminal (no photo)

Software and more for TI 99/4

Software and Add-ons

Portable Paper 1988-1991 for HP 110

Exidy Sorcerer original box

Diskette Assortment

Vitese Color & Text Scanner

COEX 64K Static RAM S-100 Card

CompuPro CPU-Z S-100 Card (6MHz)

IBM PC Spare Parts

Operation Manual Sharp PC-7200

IBM PC Basic v3.0 and Operations Guide

Electronics Book with 4 software programs

Standard Keyboard

TI 99/4 Cassette Recorder

monitor in good condition,

Microsoft Sidewinder

Logitech ScanMan 32 Scanner

Apple II Mouse (new)

KIM-1 Power Supply

Itac Systems Mouse-trak

Apple Mac II Video Card NIB

Gravis Blackhawk Joystick

Tecmar IBM Multifunction Board

WYSE Keyboard

Okidata 120 Printer Commodore

Misc. AC Adapters

CCS S-100 Price List 1985

Tandy Memory Card 1983 Vintage